Welcome to my blog! I wanted to start blogging when I first found out I was pregnant - really just to keep family and friends updated on the progress of the baby, but now that our little man is almost 4 months old, I thought what better time than now to start sharing what is going on in the Castelli household!

Monday, January 31, 2011

6 months already?

I almost can't believe it, but our little Romie-Bear (he's gonna hate that name as he gets older) is 6 months old today!  I guess the saying is true...time flies when you're having fun!  I find myself saying, "Wow, it's already Friday" or "Geez, it's already Monday" pretty much every day of the week.  I just feel like time is going by so fast, and our little guy just keep growing and growing!

We stole a great idea from our good friends, the Davis' and decided to chart Roman's growth each month with a picture next to a stuffed animal to see how much he's grown compared to the animal.  Below you'll see a "Build-a-bear" that Justin made me when we were first dating almost 8 years ago!  Look at how much our baby is growing!  Tear :(

One Month
Two Months (in the same outfit!)
Three Months - Halloween (you can't help but smile, right?)
Four Months
(sorry for the bad quality...a phone pic)
5 Months (New Year's Eve)

Take #1

Take #2

Take #3
6 Months (today!)
Makes me sad to see how fast he's growing, but so excited for all of the new, fun things he's getting into these days!

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